Advice for new teachers??? no particular order....
1. Always make time for matter the grade you teach. (Don't be afraid to use silly voices!)
2. If you think of something you need to do (or get or call...) try to write it down right away AND put it somewhere you will see (on your computer monitor?!). Way too often I think of something important but don't write it down. This is especially true at the beginning of the year.
3. Don't be afraid to ask for advice or help from your colleagues, especially when trying something out new. It's always nice to get a fresh perspective on your ideas. Plus its a great way to start sharing your ideas.
4. Read a Debbie Diller book. She has so many great ideas that can be used in any grade.
5. Set a time limit on your nightly blog-stalking : )
6. Try to keep a day for yourself that isn't focused on planning, cutting, tracing, etc.
7. Make friends with the custodians....
8. When in need of supplies ask around first before spending your own money. Many times I will get things just by asking that aren't being used.
9. Make time to listen to your kiddos stories.
10. Share your life with your is so much easier for them to connect with you when they know your favorite color and food or even what you looked like when you were in first grade.
There are so many tips to share with newbie teachers, but I tried to include ones that aren't typically thought of at the top of the list....if asked for just one tip I am not sure if I could. For me....the best tip ever is don't forget your Diet Dew in the morning!